My mods are compatible with the latest patch:
Update 1.28.2025
PC: 1.112.519.1020 / Mac: 1.112.519.1220
• I have created a small mod that fixes a bug for (Inheritance Lawyers) from Life And Death expansion pack where they start a random interaction upon arrival, including killing sims for no reason.
You can download the mod by clicking on the icon.
Huge thank to ♡•Güls for reporting this issue.
• Note, you don't need this mod if you don't own Life And Death expansion pack.
• This mod overrides the following tuning:
(378457) (Wills_Lawyer_Service_Situation)
And will conflict with another mod that makes modifications to this value, though, it is very unlikely that another modder would want to edit this tuning unless that mod is specifically made to change the lawyers behavior.
Please make sure that you have the latest version of my mods installed.
Thank you for your support! ♥
More Info
Become A Katana Or A Greatsword Master & Assassinate Enemies And Marked Sims!
- Take the role of a Katana wielding Ninja Or A Greatsword wielding Warrior and defeat enemies of the rival clan!
Use your skills to assassinate sims who are marked for death!
Path Of Legends -MOD-
Alternative Download
Survive A World Full Of Undead!
- Take the role of a heroic survivor and save the world from the undead!
- Or become the villian yourself and spread the virus in sims neighbourhoods!
- Getting infected also grants your sim the ability to be a playable zombie who's thirsty for flesh!
Zombie Apocalypse -MOD-
V 2.2.5 Last Escape
Add Dark Realism To Your Sims Lives
Your sims will now face tragic occurrences that would change their fates by adding dark twists and events, including:
- Fatal Illnesses
- Kidnapping
- Serial Killers
- Armed Robbers
- Car Accidents
- Bullying
Life Tragedies -MOD-
V 1.3.5
Alternative Download
Play as a Superhero and save the world or a Supervillain and destroy the world!
- As a superhero you'll develop the Super Powers skill & learn new spells and powers with each level
- You'll have to save sims lives from unfortunate events & evil plans by villains
- As a supervillain you'll develop the dark powers skill & learn new dark spells and dark powers with each level
- You'll have to destroy sims lives and increase the world's corruption by performing the dark and evil interactions
- World's corruption will contribute to sims behaviors in all worlds making them doing more and more evil and dark actions.
Perform Violent Interactions & Murders
- Kill sims in 40+ different ways, including Firearms, knives, melee weapons & more..
- Turn violent and beat sims up in different violent ways like punching sims, kicking them, and more..
- Develop a horrible reputation by becoming the most hated and feared sim in town
- Join gangs or start feud with them
Extreme Violence -MOD-
V 2.5.6
(Interactive Soul Steal)
Epilepsy Warning
This mod contains intense flashing and unfortunately is not suitable for players with epilepsy.
Give your sims the life of luxary and fame
- Fame, Fans, Paparazzi, Meet & Greets, Promotional offers, Skills & Luxary Services
- Make your sim famous in 5 different tracks:
Simstagram, Modeling, Acting, Professional Singing & Street Dancing!
- Each track has unique interactions & ways to earn money from
- Promotional Events:
Have paid promotional offers, An acting scene, A modeling session or start your own concert to many of your adoring fans!
- Hire Luxary Services like bodyguards and personal assistants that'll take care of whatever you need!
Road To Fame -MOD-
v0.5 D7 Street Dancing
Add life & drama to your game, or become the town's favorite socialite!
- This mod adds 11 different dramatic situations that could happen around your sim starring NPC townies and adds a lively atmosphere in your sims neighborhoods
- Increase your social popularity and help other sims with social situations, gain their trust and obtain their dirtiest secrets to expose them to the whole world.
- Speak to sims using a custom input box that shows up as a notification including your input text.
Life's Drama -MOD-
V 2.1.4 Dirty Secrets
Dance with your loved one in the most romantic way
- Have your sims express their love to eachother with a romantic slow dance inspired by The Sims 2
- Give them a romantic hug or makeout with them as your dancing with them to make it even more romantic.
Romantic Slow dance -MOD-
V 1.1.2
Romantic Skygaze -MOD-
V 1.1
Cuddle up with your loved one under the skies
- Observe the beautiful skies with your loved one whenever & wherever you are with multiple romantic moves like kissing their cheek while cuddling, snuggling up or pointing at the skies.
Give toddlers demonic & murderous abilities
- Send toddlers on a killing rampage with new murderous and demonic interactions like setting sims on fire or stabbing them in the guts, chest, neck.
Deadly Toddlers -MOD-
V 2.2
Unleash Fear To The Sims World
- Bride Hannah wants everyone dead!
- Purchase the haunted mirror and chant the bride's name to call her over and have her kill everyone in her way using a chainsaw & demonic powers
- Protect yourself from the bride by using a special cologne that will keep her away from your sim.
Haunted Mirror -MOD-
V 1.5
Cause chaos & torture sims usin the most evil spells!
- Turn your sim to an evil spell caster by using the "Book Of Chaos" found in buy mode.
- The book contains over 10 evil spells that will turn sims lives into hell!
Torture & Chaos -MOD-
V 1.6
Ruin Sims lives and have them regret the day they were born!
- A set of torturous interactions that will have sims be scared for their lives that might be taken away by your control!
- Instantly torture or murder a sim by using a collection of mischievous interactions performed by a mysterious entity
He's Been Murdered & Now He's Back For Revenge!
- A grave that contains the spirit of the deadliest child in the sims world
"Jonathan Colby"
- purchase "The Possessed Child's Grave" & unleash hell on earth!
The Possessed Child -MOD-
V 1.3
Release Notes
Take a risky challenge that could end your life or reward you with money!
- Take a challenge by staring into one of 3 different cursed paintings.
- Or call sims over to take the challenge instead
- You might end up winning a large amount of money OR losing your life over it.
The Cursed Paintings -MOD-
V 2.3
V 1.6 Release Notes
V 2.3 Release Notes
V 1.2 Release Notes